Quartier Vanier Business Improvement Area (BIA)

Executive Director & Overall Management of the Business Improvement Area


Made up of three historical mainstreets and one arterial mainstreet, the Quartier Vanier Business Improvement Area included over 500 businesses, shopping centres and office buildings located within a highly residential area, steps away from Ottawa’s downtown core. Known as the City’s original French Canadian settlement, the area was rich in arts, culture and history and now attracts a multicultural and Indigenous population. More than 25,000 people come to work in this area on a daily basis. Popular with young adults, the Quartier Vanier is rapidly becoming Ottawa’s newer trendy district.

As its Executive Director since 2007, Suzanne Valiquet initiated a series of new programs aimed at fighting drugs and prostitution, and to market the area to potential new businesses through a creative recruitment strategy. She worked hand in hand with residents in initiating new beautification and safety programs to enhance the appearance of the district.

"(Suzanne Valiquet) has been instrumental in the revitalization of Vanier’s business improvement area, most notably in the engagement we see from our members...We’ll never be able to replace her combination of business acumen, network of partnerships, and, of course, her amazing spirit."

Mark Kaluski, Board Chairman, Quartier Vanier BIA